Monday, February 9, 2009

Sears is Getting LOTS of Attention

I'm seeing a huge uptick in traffic over the past 24+ hours and wanted to both recognize that (Thank You for the visits) and publish a blog post to gather anything people want to express regarding Sears' e-mail practices. If there's anything you would like to share, feel free to add your comments to this post.

FYI, the click-throughs are originating from, and I offer a Tip-of-the-Hat to Tool God's gracious mention of EMailOrSPAM in his post.

On the topic of Sears, I'll only offer two points, that they're holding steady at a few e-mails a week, which seems reasonable, and there's no evidence that they've sold our e-mail address to anyone (at least not yet). But that's just what we've seen -- We're interested in what you have to say.

For those who may be new to, our practice is to 'seed' websites with unique, use-once-only e-mail addresses and then simply report to the world what and how much e-mail arrives -- It's as simple as that, but it goes a long way toward doing justice to the very simple question many people ask themselves when registering with a website, 'I am about to give them my e-mail address . . Can I really trust them?' Well, visit EMailOrSPAM and see for yourself using our pre-seeded e-mail addresses and the data we've gathered along the way.

Our approach is to simply report the numbers and let you decide. Maybe a website's e-mail track record is perfectly fine. Or maybe they send way too much (or obviously share, sell, or are incapable of protecting their lists). Either way, we're just looking to provide you with the data needed to make an informed decision when trying to answer that question, "What will it be? E-Mail? Or SPAM?"

Let us know what you think.

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