Monday, November 24, 2008

Victoria’s Secret, Not Quite So Advanced on E-Mail Marketing

Maybe they're just betting on the effectiveness of their visuals (which, I have to admit are pretty compelling), but Victoria’s Secret seems to be less sophisticated that on the e-mail marketing front.

The evidence we're gathering so far is that there just seems to be one e-mail campaign list. Well, maybe two if they can connect your e-mail account to an actual purchase, but there seems to be only random ebb and flow on e-mail volume over time with no indication of their assessment of effectiveness, i.e. whether their messaging has long since fallen on deaf ears. Other than rendering the e-mail we're not doing anything and yet would seem inclined to treat us today just as they did months ago when we first registered.

It would seem to me that treating your potential customers all the same all the time would seem a little oversimplified, but then again, their e-mails are occasional to borderline frequent, focused, and nicely presented. A pretty good job overall.

Tracking Page:

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