Sunday, January 18, 2009

Circuit City . . What Will the Future Bring ?

Ok, Folks. We only fairly recently added Circuit City, but they have our e-mail address. (For those who don't know yet, we use a unique, use-once-only e-mail address for each website we track. That way we can hold them responsible for everything that comes into that particular e-mail address.) Not that we wish bankruptcy on anyone but those that spam (and the ones that call my cell phone telling me to renew my car warranty even though I don't own a car), we now have a perfect control situation to study. At least in this one case we'll now be able to ask and answer the question, 'What does a company / website do with their e-mail list once they go belly up ?'

I've heard reports that, with their bankruptcy announced on Friday, that stores were slammed with customers on Saturday. There's also a clear statement on the Circuit City website along with early blogging on actual store visits on Saturday that operational responsibility has completely shifted to those overseeing receivership. Employees on the floor now seem to be taking orders from someone totally new. That paints a picture of what the average, everyday customers sees from the outside, but what's happening on the inside ? That's what we're curious to see (and track).

But, it's pretty plain and simple from here on out. Circuit City is out of business (so they have no business sending anyone any e-mail anymore). So, either e-mail will totally and permanently stop . . Or we'll start seeing a trickle, but from non-Circuit City activities, that maybe eventually becomes a torrent. It's really down to one or the other, but let's not prejudge -- Let's just wait and see what happens.

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